Polish Treaty Policy towards Czech Republic in 1993–2011
https://doi.org/10.12775/18378Słowa kluczowe
bilateral relations, treaty policy, international agreements, the Republic of Poland, the Czech RepublicAbstrakt
The article contains an analysis of the treaty policy of the Republic of Poland and the Czech Republic. A properly executed treaty policy is a condition of good mutual relations and, as a part of a foreign policy, is responsible for ensuring the best possible conditions on the international arena for the development of a state in all possible directions. In other words, good neighborly relations between the Republic of Poland and the Czech Republic depend on a reasonable treaty policy. The article presents a few areas of bilateral cooperation, including borderline agreements, agreements on national minorities, security and defense, economic agreements, agreements on cultural and cross-border cooperation, and the agreements on legal issues in 1993–2011. The article presents also the agreements that are part of succession of the treaty policy that the Republic of Poland concluded with the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic and also analyses international agreements that were ratified both by the Polish and the Czech states. The thesis on the Polish involvement in developing the treaty base with the Czech Republic is validated.
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Zbiór Dokumentów of 1996, No. 3.
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