Poland as a Member of NATO’s Open Door Policy
https://doi.org/10.12775/18372Słowa kluczowe
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, open door policy, Poland, MAPAbstrakt
Since the beginning of the ninetees the Alliance has been consistently carrying out its open door policy with countries that are willing to accept and implement rules stated in the Northatlantic Pact and declare the willingness to participate in joint efforts for ensuring euroatlantic area’s security and stability. After the decline of communism, Poland became an independent, democratic country and concentrated on achieving its set goal of participation of the creation of a stabile security system and support open door Policy very strongly. This suport is important for countries seeking to become a member of NATO and for polish interests. This paper aims at an analysis of Poland’s participation in NATO’s open door policy.
Full text: http://bazhum.muzhp.pl/czasopismo/589/?idno=14762
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