Exposure-Dependent Variations in Air Temperature and Humidity on the Moraine of the Aavatsmark Glacier (Nw Spitsbergen) in the Summer Season of 2010
air temperature and humidity, microclimate, synoptic situations, Kaffiøyra, SpitsbergenAbstract
The article presents results of research on the development of air temperature and relative humidity at a height of 5 cm above the active surface of the terminal lateral moraine of the Aavatsmark Glacier, relative to its exposure in the summer season of 2010. Variations in the two conditions were analysed for five measurement sites situated on northerly (SN), easterly (SE), southerly (SS) and westerly (SW) slopes, as well as on the flat top surface of the moraine (STop), in different weather conditions. The article also includes a temperature and humidity stratification in the near surface air layer (5-200 cm) above the moraine. The issues were investigated for mean values from the whole period of research, as well as for individual days demonstrating distinct degrees of cloudiness and wind speed.References
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