maximum air temperature, ice days, circulation indices, Svalbard, ArcticAbstract
The paper aims to present research into both the long-term variability in the ice days in Svalbard representing the Atlantic sector of the Arctic, and their relations to atmospheric circulation. Ice days are defined as days with a daily maximum temperature below 0°C (Tmax<0°C). They are considered to be amongst the most important indices of current climate change. All the available data on daily maximum air temperature from three Norwegian stations (Svalbard Airport (Svalbard Lufthavn), Bjørnøya and Hopen) and from the Polish Polar Station in Hornsund (SW Spitsbergen) have been employed. The relevance of atmospheric circulation to the frequency of the occurrence of ice days was evaluated by calculating the Spearman correlation coefficients between the frequency of ice days and three regional circulation indices: zonal westerly circulation index (W), meridional southerly circulation index (S) and index of cyclonicity (C). At all the stations the number of ice days exhibited significant decreasing trends in the period of 1979-2012.
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