Variability of geostrophic airflow over Poland, 1951-2014
geostrophic wind, Poland, anemological conditions variabilityAbstract
The paper presents the analysis of the anemological conditions variability over Poland with the usage of geostrophic wind vector as an objective (and homogenous) information concerning the airflow over the area of research. The geostrophic wind vector components are calculated using SLP and air temperature (at sigma995 level) at selected gridpoints which were subsequently interpolated to a central point thus describing the average flow over the research area. The data originated from NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis and its temporal range was 1951-2014. The analysis covers statistical characteristics of the overall annual cycle as well as trend analysis of the airflow features over Poland: geostrophic wind vector module (V), and its zonal (u) and meridional (v) components. Aside from general statistical characteristics for averages and extremes (quantiles 10% & 90%) GEV distribution was fitted to maximum annual/monthly geostrophic wind speed values which allowed the estimation of return levels for selected return periods.References
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