Characterisation and OSL dating of modern fluvial sediments in the lower Vistula River: testing the zeroing assumption
fluvial sediments, bars, OSL dating, Vistula RiverAbstract
In this study recent sediments of the lower Vistula River were investigated to determine the relationship between the structure and texture specific features and the possibility of their zeroing. The samples of recent fluvial deposits were collected from the lower Vistula River at two sites in Toruń and Ciechocinek. Sand bars newly emerged from the river were selected for testing. The coarse quartz grains were separated for OSL measurements. The single-aliquot regenerative (SAR) technique was applied for measuring equivalent doses from multigrain aliquots. The obtained dose estimates were found to be very low, proving the reliability of OSL zeroing assumption. The dose rates were estimated by gamma-ray spectrometry, demonstrating homogeneity of the radiation field. These results related to fossil sediments of that type confirm their suitability for the OSL dating method.References
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