Aluminium in waters of the active exchange zone in the Karkonosze National Park (Western Sudetes, SW Poland)
aluminum, active exchange zone, water chemistry, Karkonosze Mts.Abstract
The paper presents the variability of aluminum concentrations in groundwater of the main porous-fissured aquifer and surface waters, occurred in the area of Karkonosze National Park (KPN), covering mainly the upper parts of the Karkonosze Mts. The analysis was based on the results of samplings carried out in the area of the KPN in August 2015 and supplemented with the results of water quality monitoring carried out during the period of 2010-2016 in selected catchments of the Karkonosze Mts. Significant spatial variability of aluminum concentrations, from several dozen to over 1090 μg/L,was observed, increasing along with the height of the measurement points. The highest concentrations were recorded in the ridge zone of the Karkonosze Mts., where the pH is the lowest.
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