Arctic, First International Polar Year, biometeorological conditionsAbstract
The article provides an initial description of the biometeorological conditions in the Arctic during the first International Polar Year (IPY 1) of 1882–1883. The study is based on hourly measurements taken from nine stations which represent most of the climatic regions in the Arctic. The diversity of biometeorological conditions was analysed in relation to the height above sea level, the distance from the sea and the character of the ground. The analysis made use of such biometeorological indices as wind chill index (WCI), predicted insulation of clothing (Iclp) and the cooling power of the air (H). A considerable spatial diversity of the biometeorological conditions was found during the period investigated. The least favourable thermal sensations occurred at the Sagastyr station, and the most favourable conditions were observed at Kapp Thordsen.
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