Geostrophic wind variability in the 50–60°N zone over Europe: the role of mid-troposphere atmospheric circulation macro-forms
VG macro-forms, geostrophic wind, anemological conditions, EuropeAbstract
Circulation in the mid-troposphere in moderate and high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere can be characterised by the Vangenheim-Girs (VG) circulation macro-forms. The aim of the research was to analyse the VG macro-forms as a factor determining the general characteristics of the atmospheric circulation in mid-troposphere in the Euro-Atlantic region and low-troposphere airflow characteristics in the profile (zonal belt) crossing Central Europe from Ireland to Kazan in Russia (5°30’W–44°00’E). Alongside the VG macro-form calendar, ERA-INTERIM data were used. The utilised meteorological variables comprised 500hPa geopotential height, SLP and air temperature at 995 sigma level. The temporal scope of the research was 35 years (1981–2015) and the resolution was 24h (12.00 UTC). The circulation in the low-troposphere was characterised by the geostrophic wind vector characteristics directly resulting from SLP and air temperature fields. Subsequently, derived indices (e.g. wind direction stability) were used. The presented results indicate that the variability of anemological conditions at SLP in the area of 50–60°N over Europe is in direct connection with the mid-troposphere circulation features. The differences are statistically significant across nearly the entire research area. This includes the reversal of the dominant air flow direction in some areas. The greatest variability in geostrophic wind characteristics due to W, E and C VG macro-forms is revealed in the central and eastern part of the 50–60°N zone – between the southern Baltic Sea and the western border of Russia.
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