Humusica - Soil biodiversity and global change
Humusica, soil organic matter, soil structure, soil biology, soil functioning, agriculture, organic agriculture, gross domestic product, humus forms classification, forest humus forms, TerrHumAbstract
Born in Trento (Italy, 2003) for standardizing vocabulary and units of humus form classification, after publishing a first synthetic classification e-book (Zanella et al., 2011), the Humus group decided to use its classification for facing global change (Zanella and Ascher-Jenull, 2018). The classification was detailed in many scientific articles published in three special issues (Humusica 1, 2 and 3) of the journal Applied Soil Ecology. The main seven ideas that supported the whole Humusica project are briefly presented here:
- soil covers all planet Earth surfaces (soil as the seat of processes of organic matter storage and recycling);
- soil is only a biogenic structure (with a debate about the definition of the word “soil”);
- soil may be involved in the process of natural evolution (through a process of organism’ recycling of biomass after death);
- agricultural soils correspond to simplified natural soils (comparison between natural and agricultural soils);
- TerrHum, an appeal for classifying forest humipedons worldwide (a first attempt to use a smart cell phone as a field manual for humus form classification).
- Organic waste and agricultural soils.
- Is traditional agriculture economically sustainable? Comparing past traditional (1947) and today intensive farm practices in the Venice province of Italy.
Aubert, M., Bureau, F., 2018. Forest humus forms as a playground for studying aboveground-belowground relationships: Part 1, theoretical backgrounds. Appl. Soil Ecol. 123, in Press. doi:
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Bardgett, R.D., Van der Putten, W.H., 2014. Belowground biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Nature 515, 505–511. doi:10.1038/nature13855
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Bernier, N., 2018. Hotspots of biodiversity in the underground: A matter of humus form? Appl. Soil Ecol. 123, in Press. doi:
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Zanella, A., Berg, B., Ponge, J.-F., Kemmers, R.H., 2018a. Humusica 1, article 2: Essential bases - Functional considerations. Appl. Soil Ecol. 122, 22–41. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.07.010
Zanella, A., Bolzonella, C., Lowenfels, J., Ponge, J.F., Bouché, M., Saha, D., Kukal, S.S., Fritz, I., Savory, A., Blouin, M., Sartori, L., Tatti, D., Kellermann, L.A., Trachsel, P., Burgos, S., Minasny, B., Fukuoka, M., 2018b. Humusica 2, article 19: Techno humus systems and global change – conservation agriculture and 4/1000 proposal. Appl. Soil Ecol. 122, 271–296. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.10.036
Zanella, A., Geisen, S., Ponge, J.-F., Jagers, G., Benbrook, C., Dilli, T., Vacca, A., Kwiatkowska-Malina, J., Aubert, M., Fusaro, S., De Nobili, M., Lomolino, G., Gomiero, T., 2018c. Humusica 2, article 17: Techno humus systems and global change - Three crucial questions. Appl. Soil Ecol. 122, 237–253. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.10.010
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Zanella, A., Ponge, J.-F., Briones, M.J.I., 2018d. Humusica 1, article 8: Terrestrial humus systems and forms - Biological activity and soil aggregates, space-time dynamics. Appl. Soil Ecol. 122, 103–137. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.07.020
Zanella, A., Ponge, J.-F., Fritz, I., Pietrasiak, N., Matteodo, M., Nadporozhskaya, M., Juilleret, J., Tatti, D., Le Bayon, R.-C., Rothschild, L., Mancinelli, R., Rotschild, L., Mancinelli, R., 2018e. Humusica 2, article 13: Para humus systems and forms. Appl. Soil Ecol. 122, 181–199. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.09.043
Zanella, A., Ponge, J.-F., Gobat, J.-M., Juilleret, J., Blouin, M., Aubert, M., Chertov, O., Rubio, J.L., 2018f. Humusica 1, article 1: Essential bases - Vocabulary. Appl. Soil Ecol. 122, 10–21. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.07.004
Zanella, A., Ponge, J.-F., Hager, H., Pignatti, S., Galbraith, J., Chertov, O., Andreetta, A., De Nobili, M., 2018g. Humusica 2, article 18: Techno humus systems and global change - Greenhouse effect, soil and agriculture. Appl. Soil Ecol. 122, 254–270. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.10.024
Zanella, A., Ponge, J.-F., Jabiol, B., Sartori, G., Kolb, E., Gobat, J.-M., Le Bayon, R.-C., Aubert, M., De Waal, R., Van Delft, B., Vacca, A., Serra, G., Chersich, S., Andreetta, A., Cools, N., Englisch, M., Hager, H., Katzensteiner, K., Brêthes, A., De Nicola, C., Testi, A., Bernier, N., Graefe, U., Juilleret, J., Banas, D., Garlato, A., Obber, S., Galvan, P., Zampedri, R., Frizzera, L., Tomasi, M., Menardi, R., Fontanella, F., Filoso, C., Dibona, R., Bolzonella, C., Pizzeghello, D., Carletti, P., Langohr, R., Cattaneo, D., Nardi, S., Nicolini, G., Viola, F., 2018h. Humusica 1, article 4: Terrestrial humus systems and forms - Specific terms and diagnostic horizons. Appl. Soil Ecol. 122, 56–74. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.07.005
Zanella, A., Ponge, J.-F., Jabiol, B., Sartori, G., Kolb, E., Le Bayon, R.-C., Gobat, J.-M., Aubert, M., De Waal, R., Van Delft, B., Vacca, A., Serra, G., Chersich, S., Andreettal, A., Kõlli, R., Brun, J.-J., Cools, N., Englisch, M., Hager, H., Katzensteiner, K., Brêthes, A., De Nicolas, C., Testi, A., Bernier, N., Graefe, U., Wolf, U., Juilleret, J., Garlato, A., Obber, S., Galvan, P., Zampedri, R., Frizzera, L., Tomasi, M., Banas, D., Bureau, F., Tatti, D., Salmon, S., Menardi, R., Fontanella, F., Carraro, V., Pizzeghello, D., Concheri, G., Squartini, A., Cattaneo, D., Scattolin, L., Nardi, S., Nicolini, G., Viola, F., 2018i. Humusica 1, article 5: Terrestrial humus systems and forms - Keys of classification of humus systems and forms. Appl. Soil Ecol. 122, 75–86. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.06.012
Zanella, A., Ponge, J.-F., Juilleret, J., Bernier, N., Topoliantz, S., Blouin, M., 2016. Soil Aggregate and Humus Sytems, in: ESSC 2016 (European Society for SoilConservation) Conference. Cluj-Napoca, Romania June 15-18. Oral Preentation in Session 6: Soil Conservation Issues in Organic Farming and Conservation Agriculture.
Zanella, A., Ponge, J.-F., Matteodo, M., 2018j. Humusica 1, article 7: Terrestrial humus systems and forms - Field practice and sampling problems. Appl. Soil Ecol. 122, 92–102. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.05.028
Zanella, A., Ponge, J.-F., Topoliantz, S., Bernier, N., Juilleret, J., 2018k. Humusica 2, article 15: Agro humus systems and forms. Appl. Soil Ecol. 122, 204–219. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.10.011
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