Study of sediment origin and pedogenesis in the former mill pond basin (Turznice, North-Central Poland) using magnetic susceptibility measurements
mill pond sediments, magnetic susceptibility, Gleysols, heavy metalsAbstract
This paper aimed to assess the usefulness of magnetic susceptibility measurements in the pedological research of mill pond sediments. The study area includes the former Turznice mill pond basin located within east-southern part of the Grudziądz Basin. Four soil profiles were selected within the transect located along the longitudinal axis of the basin. The following soil properties were determined in collected samples: bulk density, particle size distribution, pH, content of carbonates. approximate content of organic matter (LOI). the total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (Nt), and the pseudo-total contents of metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cd). The obtained results were correlated with the specific (mass) magnetic susceptibility (χ). The study revealed that the variability of the soil cover in the basin was driven by different sedimentation conditions. Different composition of natural terrace deposits versus mill pond sediments has been well reflected in the magnetic properties. Although it cannot be excluded that pedogenic (gleyic) process is the key factor causing the vertical variability of magnetic properties in studied soils.
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