Późnobarokowe polichromie ścienne w klasztorze poreformackim w Białej Podlaskiej (cz. I)
https://doi.org/10.12775/AUNC_ZiK.2013.013Słowa kluczowe
malarstwo ścienne, badania i konserwacja malarstwa ściennegoAbstrakt
The architecture of the Reformat Friars monastery and church in Biała Podlaska (originally Biała Książęca) could be an example of the typical foundation related to the magnate patronage, yet its scale and architectural solutions as well as furnishings locate them in the narrow group of objects slightly going beyond the typical rules. The group of accidentally discovered 18th c. wall paintings in the cloister of monastery in Biała is interesting for many reasons. It is has unexpected complex programme and high artistic level (probably executed in a circle of the artist active at the prince’s court). The paper is the first attempt after the discovery to present the circumstances of the execution and the history of the decoration, related to the history of the church and the monastery. During the technical and conservation research iconographic analysis were done parallel. The main issue to propose further conservation treatment was to determine the extent of the paintings and degree of their deterioration, what could be the base for the conservation programme. It would include complex conservation and restoration treatment and project of arrangement of the historical interiors. The research let to inscribe the group of the paintings to the registers of historical monuments. The paper contains report form the executed research and conservation treatment including:
— historical archives search query
— ordering conservation exposures
— determining stratigraphy
— executing stripe exposures
— photographic documentation in the ViS, UV and IR light
— analyses of the pigments and binding media
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Liczba wyświetleń i pobrań: 336
Liczba cytowań: 0