Rozwój wiejskich miejsc rozrywki na przełomie XIX i XX w. na przykładzie wyników badań historyczno-architektonicznych „Karczmy Rossa” w Górsku, powiat toruński
For many centuries inns have been important elements of rural landscape. Their layout and form were dependant on the present state of the country. Generally, inns can be divided into so called depot inns, where travelers could stay, and inns (taverns) for the local people. In the 19th century, when peasants were finally emancipated, shape of the inns started to develop.
The aim of this paper is to describe the results of historical and architectural research of wooden inn situated in a village of Górsk, about 15 km from Toruń. The abovementioned research enabled to reconstruct the original layout of the building as well as all the changes in its construction that were being made in the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century.
The inn in Górsk was a typical one, devoted to the villagers. With time, its spatial and functional layout started to evolve due to the needs of the local community. At the end of the 19th century the inn was extended by a large dancing hall which was layed with stone. In the backyard there was a small garden with a number of benches and a bowling alley. All those changes related to fashionable gardens in the cities.
Unfortunately, the inn in Górsk, which was the last example of the building of this type in Chełmno region, was dismantled in 2009. It makes us aware of the fact that we still know very little about this kind of buildings and that they do not subject to any preservation maintenance.
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Liczba wyświetleń i pobrań: 550
Liczba cytowań: 0