Odbudowa zespołu staromiejskiego w Szczecinie po II wojnie światowej – ocena zastosowanych rozwiązań
https://doi.org/10.12775/AUNC_ZiK.2011.032Słowa kluczowe
Szczecin, stare miasto Szczecin, rekonstrukcja, odbudowaAbstrakt
Reconstruction Old Town Teams from the devastation of World War II was a very important project, awakening from the outset, however, many doubts and controversies. Although since the war ended 66 years have passed this problem is still valid. Athens Charter and the Venice Charter, international instruments concerning the protection of monuments, provide procedures allowing for a deep intrusion into the substance of the historical – including the reconstruction. This also applies to buildings damaged as a result of sudden cataclysms of history. Unfortunately, this is contrary to accepted principles of the doctrine of conservation, which require the exclusion of any reconstruction – should continue ruin as a ruin, and left fragment as a fragment. Szczecin is a sad example of the impact of various factors that determined the modern image of the Old Town. Decisive in the choice of the postwar concept of the city authorities, which do not take into account the value of historic urban layout of the Old Town. Ideological considerations – building a new socialist state influenced that have not been rebuilt Old Town on the basis of reconstruction. Rather it was rebuilt in the spirit of socialist social and cultural content, using contemporary forms and solutions, crossed the historical achievements of the town and losing its identity. From the perspective of the past years can say with full responsibility obtained in this way temporary benefits and incurred irreparable damage.
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