Early 20th-Century in Prabuty in the Light of Archaeological Excavations
Prabuty, Riesenburg, archaeology of the 20th century, city, architecture, porcelain, faience, stove tilesAbstract
In July 2022, archaeological research was carried out at Kraszewskiego St. in Prabuty (former Riesenburg, Ostpreußen). The purpose of excavation was to identify the eastern frontage of the market square. As a result of the prospection, relics of the walls in the foundation parts were uncovered. The work was continued, trying to reveal the whole plan of the building, which was outlined by two separated structures. Works were focused on the exploration of barrel-vaulted cellar and its fill-deposit in order to determine their depth, construction and usability level. The fills contained mixed 20th-century material, which consisted of numerous fragments of porcelain, devastated furnishings of tenement houses, including relics of installations and glass. The backfills were given a context [W-2]. In the southern profile, the Antoni Pawłowski excavation from 2007 was recorded [W-5]. The documentation of the profiles showed that both structures were dug into the historical levelling layer, probably ordering the area after the fire in the 19th century [W-4]. This context occurred in profiles and contained mixed modern material with inclusions from earlier times. In addition, in the floor parts, a burnt layer was recorded, which proves the existence of a wooden floor – on the threshing floor, as well as the destruction of the building due to fire [W-6]. In this context, a sandy patch of yellow colour was recorded [W-7]. The obtained archaeological materials were documented and divided into categories: ceramics, glass, and personal belongings. In total, over 234 fragments of artefacts were obtained, mainly from the last period of use of buildings at the former Königstrasse St., dating back to the first half of the 20th century. The variety of the range of dishes or the quality of interior items proves the availability of these products on the local market, which, in terms of quality, allows users to be compared with large urban centres belonging to the German Reich at that time.
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