effects of euro zone access, opportunities and threats, SMEAbstract
Body of literature usually considers the consequences of joining the euro zone at the macroeconomic level. There are only a few publications describing not only the doubts of entrepreneurs, but also their attitudes and expectations about the adoption of a common currency system. The current economic situation along with long – time experience of euro zone states stimulate new reflections and conclusions. Apart from that, the need to answer some questions emerges: what will be the consequences for small and medium enterprises ( SMEs ) of Poland’s participation in the euro zone and what is the current approach of entrepreneurs to the accession.
This article presents the attitude of the SME’s owners to the opportunities and threats posed by the adoption of the euro currency. The method based on the analytical scheme was applied, leading to the compilation of statistical ranking of the potential benefits and risks of euro area membership. The result is a catalogue of potential consequences in a microeconomic perspective of the impact of currency standardization effects on the competitive position of SMEs.
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