Do coalition councillors grow rich faster? Quantitative analysis of asset declarations
political economics, asset declarations, rent-seeking, office-seekingAbstract
Motivation: To study factors affecting changes in the wealth of people performing the functions of members of voivodeship assemblies.
Aim: To fill the existing research gap by conducting a quantitative analysis of data collected from asset declarations of all councillors of voivodeship assemblies in Poland from the 2010–2014 term, in particular an analysis of declared assets.
Results: The analysis of data clearly indicates that councillors belonging to the coalition ruling a given assembly in a given term accumulate wealth faster that opposition councillors. More detailed results also imply that the results cannot be explained by differences in sex, age or place of work between councillors of the specific political parties. The reason of the higher pace of growth of assets of coalition councillors may be their access to official positions in the public sector or having well-paid jobs.
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