Gender roles and online marketing communications in real estate markets
marketing communications, real estate market, gender rolesAbstract
Motivation: The real estate market has attracted a lot of public interest due to its significant economic role. Changes are, however, going to abound in the nearest future as a result of difficulties in accessing housing loans and amendments to the building construction laws, amongst others. This will call for even greater involvements of tenderers in the marketing communication process. Gender-related differences in the purchasing decision making process is growing in significance and should be reflected in marketing communications.
Aim: The aim of the article is to identify contemporary activities undertaken in marketing communications in the real estate market. Specifically, greater attention is paid to the gender roles of both — suppliers and customers. Another objective is to analyse the use of one of the most significant tools of marketing communications namely, the internet in the real estate market. The study involved the use of literature analysis and criticism, web content analysis provided by vendors of real estate as well as telephone interviews with representatives of both property developers and real estate agents.
Results: Online marketing are the most important means of communication in real estate markets. The websites of real estate agents and property developers vary a lot. Real estate vendors, very often, make use of social media in their marketing communications. One of the most common trend is to make use of images instead of texts in marketing communications, thus creating new possibilities of communication. Very few property developers and real estate agents exploit the knowledge of gender-related differences in the reception of marketing messages. Only few communication activities take cognisance of gender roles. The need to focus marketing communications in real estate on young customers has necessitated the engagement of new media sources in communication activities. This desire for a better adaptation of offers to consumer needs, calls for the use of new technologies such as mobile applications that are augmented by reality or virtual reality.
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