Sustainable urban mobility planning: Gdynia city case study
mobility planning, urban sustainable development, city of GdyniaAbstract
Motivation: Sustainable urban development is the current global priority; however, most cities lack the capacity and resources to ensure that the city develops in a sustainable manner. Mobility is one of the most difficult topics to face in metropolitan large areas. It involves both environmental and economic aspects, and needs both high technologies and virtuous people behaviours. Dynamical urban development and inhabitants lifestyle changes, especially in the heavy congested port agglomerations, result in a continuous increase of their transport needs. As transport behaviours change, the number of vehicles on streets grows resulting in congestion, an increased number of accidents, exhaust and noise emissions and, consequently, a lowered quality of life. Thus a sustainable approach to urban mobility and transport planning is becoming increasingly common in all EU countries. The study is based on the literature sources analysis and survey research results obtained with a questionnaire for stakeholders to assess particular areas and activities related to mobility issues.
Aim: The aim of the paper is to present the urban sustainable development challenges, taking as a case study the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) elaboration process selected issues in the city of Gdynia within the CIVITAS DYN@MO being a European project implemented under the CIVITAS II PLUS initiative (funded from the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission).
Results: It is quite a challenge to ensure a sustainable urban mobility pattern which requires a high level of stakeholders’ participation and establishing a detailed complex planning process. Key stakeholders of Gdynia, representing the public administration sector, the transport market and university researchers (including the author), included in the planning process earlier, invited to the assessment gave the highest priority to the tariff and ticket integration in the Metropolitan Area, parking issues, the inclusion of pedestrian traffic in project planning and public spaces. The promotion among inhabitants and students or city bicycle system were given a medium priority and the lowest was given to carpooling, environmental-friendly vehicules and such mobility management tools as Mobility centre or the Officer for Mobility.
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