Fundamentals of an effective corporate safety culture
safety management, organization culture, safety culture, human factor, work environmentAbstract
Motivation: The paper presents basic issues related to a safety culture. It shows the explanation of terms ‘culture’ and ‘organizational culture’, which safety culture makes a part of. There is also presented a model of shaping of a safety culture. The empirical part presents the studies on the impact of an attitude and behaviour of employees on the development of safety culture based on the model of shaping of a safety culture.
Aim: The aim of the study was to analyze an attitude and behaviour of employees and their impact on shaping of a safety culture in a given enterprise. Research tools were: interview, documentation, analysis and anonymous survey given to enterprise employees.
Results: The study shows that majority of employees act in accordance with rules and try not to take risky actions, they also feel responsible for the safety of themselves and their co-workers; the environment and working conditions are in line with legal requirements, and accidents rarely occur.
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