Shaping the career of a talented employee in achieving competitive advantage by modern companies
the talent, talent management, career management, modern career models, competitive advantageAbstract
Motivation: In a knowledge-based economy, the competitiveness of companies is increasingly determined by an ability to use their resources to respond to changes. A particular role is attributed to intangible assets which become basic, while other factors are beginning to take on a complementary role. In today’s business the talent — a talented employee s strategically important.
However, resources are not valuable in themselves, but they are important in terms of activities aimed at achieving a competitive advantage. Recruiting and retaining talented employees is one of the biggest challenges in many businesses because of their outstandingness. Taking into account their specific characteristics, needs and expectations, an ability to pursue a career becomes the key issue.
Aim: The purpose of this article is to show the importance of career talents for the competitive advantage of a modern company. Its realization will be made by presenting the talent as a source of competitive advantage. The importance of contemporary career models for talented individuals as well as the company perspective will be shown.
Results: Traditional organizational careers are not a thing of the past — careers continue to be a means to accomplish strategic goals of the organization, especially during the ongoing talent war. Temporarily employment relationships and the high mobility of talented individuals mean that for this group of employees organizations should strive to build long-term relationships as a result of managing their careers within the organization. Such career development will contribute to the company’s strategic intentions.
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