Global aspects of security environment — the ‘One Belt, One Road’ project
ecurity environment, non-military threats, Asia, ‘One Belt, One Road’Abstract
Motivation: The security environment is evolving globally and more attention is given for other than military threats. They are major concern related to internal and external security of any country as their nature is complex and it is evolving crossing national borders. Globalization is one of processes enabling freedom of operations for criminal, terrorist and other dangerous movements endangering security environment and economy. The ‘One Belt, One Road’ concept, promoted by China, is vulnerable for attacks along land and sea legs. To face threats an international cooperation of involved countries must create opportunities to counter all illegal acts.
Aim: The aim of the paper is to study security threats influencing security of economy processes by analysing the ‘One Belt, One Road’ concept. In the paper theoretical methods have been adopted.
Results: The research allowed drawing conclusions related to ways of overcoming the threats toward supply chains caused by evolving security environment based on the risks related to the ‘One Belt, One Road’ concept.
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