The information infrastructure of knowledge-based economies in the years 1995–2010
information infrastructure, knowledge-based economy, taxonomic methods, information and communication technologiesAbstract
Aim: The objective of this article is to make a brief presentation of the information infrastructure as one of the four pillars of the knowledge-based economy (KBE). It also attempts to construct (based on taxonomic methods and applying seven diagnostic variables) a synthetic measure for assessing the degree of the development of information infrastructures in 29 KBEs in the time period 1995–2010.
Motivation: The work structure is subordinated to the so defined objective and comprises the introduction, overview, measurement and analysis of the level of the development of information infrastructure in KBEs, and a brief summary.
Results: The results of the research obtained by the author allowed the creation of four rankings of the level of the development of information infrastructure in the 29 analysed KBEs and led to the formulation of the conclusion that in the time period 1995–2010 the average level of the development of information infrastructure in the 29 economies grew steadily (with the highest values noted in highly developed KBEs), and the range of variability decreased significantly.
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