From Museology to the Anthropology of Things. Training Personnel for Cultural Institutions in the Poznań Ethnological Centre
DOI: clave
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, ethnology, museology, academic teaching, study programs, cultural institutionsResumen
The Author briefly presents the history of the establishment and functioning of the Poznań ethnological centre from 1919 to the present day, indicating the place of museology in the curricula. Using the example of her own teaching activities, she shows how this content can be integrated into the teaching of various subjects (compulsory, optional, and projectbased courses). She describes the classes conducted and briefly presents selected projects implemented in cooperation with museums and with the participation of students. She also confronts three perspectives that are important for the preparation of future museum professionals. The first concerns the interests of students and their needs in terms of acquiring knowledge about museums, their activities, and ways of organisation. The second concerns the preparation of didactic proposals by the IAiE employees. The third is related to the needs of the professional market regarding the training of future museum employees. The article concludes with reflections on the ways and directions of training future museum staff, which should be done in consultation with the museum community to jointly plan the path of professional training in the field of museology.
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Online Sources
Institute of Anthropology and Ethnology: [accessed on: July 2, 2023]
Department of Anthropology and Cultural Studies: [accessed on: July 16, 2023]
Kalisz – anthropological field research: [accessed on: July 2, 2023]
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Derechos de autor 2023 Anna Weronika Brzezińska
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