On ethnographic tracks and museum crossroads. A handful of reflections from the experience of ethnographic museum curator
The Ethnographic Museum in Kraków, museology, museum curator, exhibitions' organizationAbstract
The Seweryn Udziela Ethnographic Museum in Kraków (MEK) has the oldest preserved ethnographic collection in Poland. At the end of the 20th century, social changes as well as a paradigm shift in science posed new challenges for museologists, and even then, the key issue became - what an ethnographic museum is supposed to be in the modern world. Regardless
of the recurring scientific discourse on these and similar topics, the MEK curators, including the author, had to face emerging problems in their daily practice. Exhibition School! School! When I remember you..., presented in MEK in 2000/2001, is an example concerning various aspects of museum work, of which the problem of collecting stands out in the foreground.
Already then, the work on this exhibition indicated the direction of contextual building of museum collections, which was confirmed by the case of a family collection of toys and then continued at the MEK during research exploring various cultural areas, e.g., as part of the Wedding 21 project.
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