Belarusian protest folk art of 2020-2021 as an object of museum collection
Belarus, folk creativity, protest, museumAbstract
The article addresses the problem of collecting of Belarusian protest folk art originating from the public reaction to the results of the 9 August 2020 presidential elections. This type of folk art consists of various genres of folklore and performative and carnival practices as well. Two most exciting examples of the museum collections are discussed in the second part of the article. They are Flags Museum and Free Belarus Museum. The former is a virtual museum and its purpose is to collect and display protest flags created as a result of the social movement of neighbourhoods, streets, cities, regions and the diaspora. The latter was created outside Belarus. It collects artefacts and documents related to protests. Both initiatives share the conviction that such activities are important for the future generations of Belarusians.
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