Dietary effects of drone larves homogenate on the homeostatic constants and the reproductive capacity of Large White gilts
homeostasis, Large-White, gilts, sexual cycles, enzymes, peroxidation, homogenate of drone larvaeAbstract
Background: With modern requirements for housing agricultural animals particularly pigs, the manifestation of normal physiological functions significantly changes, especially reproductive one, which is manifested in an insufficiently expressed sexual cycle, reduced resistance due to technological stress. There is a need to develop effective reproductive biotechnologies in pig using organic stimulants of entomological origin, among which a significant place is given to the homogenate of drone larvae (HDL).The aim of the study was to determine the dietary effects of HDL on the formation of prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in Large White (LW) gilts,as well as to optimize reproductive function during experimental feedingof HDL.Methods: In the study, gilts representing Large White breed were investigated. A total of 20 gilts representing two groups. The first feeding group (n=10) of LW gilts was fed with the control normal diet, and the second feeding group (n=10) of LW gilts wasfed with the supplement diet i.e., the biological additive of homogenate drone larvae in quantity of 0.5g daily. To assess prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in pigs, blood samples were taken from the anterior vena cava into the diestrus phase i.e., 11 days from the beginning of the second cycle after the determination of the immobility reflex and the estrus phase i.e., 24 days after the start of estrus after the determination of the immobility reflex. Intracervical artificial insemination of gilts was performed during 24 and 36 hours after the determination of the immobility reflex, and depending on the manifestation of signs of estrus.
Results:Study found an intensification of peroxidation processes during the period of puberty in LW gilts , which wasmanifested in an increase in the content of diene conjugates on the 180th and 210th days of development by 63.6% and 44.1%, respectively.This is confirmed by a significant increase in the number of secondary products of peroxidation - TBA-active complexes in these periods of their development. Studyrevealed that during puberty of gilts the antioxidant defense system wasthe most labile from 6 to 8 months of age, where the variability of PAG components wassignificant in terms of increased activity of superoxide dismutase (p <0.01) and catalase (p <0.05), as well as the amount of reduced glutathione. Moreover, additional feeding of HDLcontributedto the probable slowing down of peroxidation processes in blood, which was confirmed by the lower content of diene conjugates (p <0.05-0.01) and TBA-active complexes (p <0.01-0.001).
Conclusions: Study concluded that experimental supplementary feeding ofHDLdiet to LWgiltsstimulatedthe reproductive function during their puberty by reducing the time to the first estrous cycle for artificial insemination, thus improved the fertility in LW gilts.
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