Assessment of the sanitary status of enterprises processing food of animal origin, based on the results of the Polish Veterinary Inspection supervision
Polish Veterinary Inspection, control of sanitary status, food safety, official control of foodstuffs.Abstract
Introduction and objective. With regard on its’ proprieties, the food of animal origin is subject to a special supervision of the Polish Veterinary Inspection. Acquisition of such products requires strict observation of legal norms. The paper focuses on the sanitary state of slaughterhouses and butcheries, with regard to the supervision held over these institutions by the Veterinary Inspection.
Material and methods The numerical data being subject to the present research reveal its activity in the years 2005 – 2016, divided into 2 sub-terms, each covering the 6-years period (report No. RRW-5). Statistical analysis was performed, comparing statistical trends (number of given administrative decisions, both warning and forbidding) to the number of supervised and controlled establishments.
Results and conclusions. The Veterinary Inspection applies administrative tools, adequate to the dangers affecting consumers. As a result of this, the Inspection extorts the improvement of sanitary state or it eliminates incorrect abattoirs from the market. In the light of conducted analysis, the sanitary state of institutions processing foodstuffs of animal origin can be rated positively, thanks to the proper supervision. Results and observations were described in scope of worldwide tendencies in veterinary supervision of food safety. It is advisable to compare the results obtained in this work with the assessment of final product offered for consumption to the end consumer.
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