Influence of feto-pelvic disproportion on milk cows fertility
milk cows, feto-pelvic disproportion, fertility indicesAbstract
The aim of the study was to evaluate relations between feto-pelvic proportion and further fertility of milk cows, select proportions and critical values of disproportion best predicting cows with lower fertility as a result of difficult calving as well as to evaluate fertility of cows selected on the basis of chosen criteria. The study was carried out on black-and-white and red-and-white Polish Holstein-Friesian cows in six farms diversified by the number of livestock (from 10 to 20 to over 180 cows) and milk yield (from 6.563 – 9.788 kg/305 days). In total 100 parturitions were analysed (one in each cow) resulting in giving birth to one calf, without complications related to foetus presentation, posture, and position or the need for caesarean section or fetotomy and retained placenta. Analysed parturitions were the result of artificial insemination pregnancies in 53 cases with semen from 33 polish-HF bulls and in 47 cases with semen from 26 the world HF bulls. Considering critical values of chosen feto-pelvic proportions, there is possibility of choosing cows, where more than every third cow had usually delayed over 90 days calving-conception period and more than every fourth became pregnant after at least three inseminations.References
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