Struktura i wielkość gospodarstw rodzinnych staroobrzędowców w powiecie żytomierskim (w Guberni Wołyńskiej), w końcu XVIII w.
DOI:łowa kluczowe
The Old Believers, Kievan province, eighteenth century, the Wołyń provinceAbstrakt
On the Old Believers in Ukraine in the eighteenth century
The article offers the analysis of the structure and size of the households of the Old Believers living in the vicinity of Żytomierz in Ukraine in the eighteenth century. The Old Believers form a denomination that carved itself off from the Russian Orthodox Church in the latter half of the seventeenth century. The population census of 1795 serves as the basis of the analysis carried out in the paper. The households of the Old Believers were usually made up of 7.3 persons, with 6.5 persons forming the host’s own family. The majority of the families of the Old Believers were nuclear in their structure. Worthy of note is also a patriarchal character of the presence of adult relatives in these households. Among the host’s adult relatives who stayed in his household were, in the main, either his married brothers or his married sons. The vast majority of the farms owned by the Old Believers were thus inherited by male successors.
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