Rachunki prepozyta klasztoru św. Ducha de Daxia w Krakowie Macieja Regiomontanusa z lat 1570–1591. Świat ludzi i rzeczy
https://doi.org/10.12775/RDSG.2015.04Słowa kluczowe
account books, monasticism, accountingAbstrakt
The account book of the Prepositor of the Monastery of the Holy Spirit de Saxia, Maciej Regiomontanus, from the years 1570–1591. People and things
The article analyses the oldest surviving account book of the Monastery of the Holy Spirit de Saxia. Dating from the latter half of the sixteenth century (1570-1591), the manuscript was written by Regiomontanus of Konigsberg. It is a valuable document, although the records it contains concern only expenditures. Not only is it more than four hundred years old but the expenditures were recorded over a very long period. Except for the Latin headings of particular sections of the expenditures, Regiomontanus relied on Polish for recording the data. It is an interesting detail which – especially in view of the fact that the register was kept by a clergyman – proves that in the latter half of the sixteenth century the national language began to grow in importance. The source shows the community oriented toward offering assistance to the needy in the big city. It provides information about the money spent on the congregation as well as on the hospital and the monastery school, shedding light on the social bonds formed by the monks both within the Monastery and through their contacts with the outside world, with the inhabitants of the city, especially those who rendered services to the whole community or who supported the Order fi nancially.
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