Powódź roku 1947. Z badań nad kontekstami klęsk elementarnych w Polsce po II wojnie światowej
https://doi.org/10.12775/RDSG.2013.08Słowa kluczowe
flood, natural disasters, climate anomalies, cold weatherAbstrakt
The flood of 1947: from studies on the contexts of natural disasters in Poland after World War II (Summary)
In the article the author has attempted to characterize certain contexts of the 1947 flood – one of the worst calamities in Poland in the 20th century. According to incomplete data, at least 65 people died as a result, which is more than in the 1934 flood, which until then had been considered the worst (with 55 victims). The discussion, based mainly on source materials which have not been used before and press articles, relates to issues such as: anomalous weather conditions in Poland and Europe in the years 1946–47 (a cold wave), reasons for the flood (climate-related, organizational, economic), loss of property, everyday life in areas struck by the calamity and attempts at its political objectifycation, and forms of aid for the victims.
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