Use of the Kinesio Taping method in painful shoulder syndrome
Kinesio taping, painful shoulder syndromeAbstract
Introduction. The painful shoulder syndrome is becoming an increasingly frequent pathology for both sexes at different ages. Its diagnosis and treatment still cause many problems. They result from a complicated anatomical and biomechanical structure, rich innervation and diversity of symptoms of the shoulder dysfunction.
Aim. The assessment of Kinesio Taping method impact on pain reduction and improvement in muscle strength and range of the shoulder motion in patients with painful shoulder syndrome.
Material and methods. The study included 20 patients, in whom during the clinical examination carried out by a specialist of orthopedics and traumatology, a painful shoulder syndrome was recognized. Patients were evaluated by the numerical pain scale of NRS, muscle strength Lovett scale and range of motion in the shoulder joint by goniometry. The study was carried out on qualification day and in the period from 5 to 7 days after the Kinesio Taping method.
Results. 55% of the respondents were women (mean age 66 years), 45% were male (mean age 62.7 years). The level of pain perception in patients after treatment was 35% lower than before the Kinesio Taping method. The largest increase in mobility (11.72%) was found in the shoulder joint extension motion. Muscle strength after treatment increased from 15% to 20%.
Conclusions. Kinesio Taping reduces pain and improves muscle strength, but is it not a method that significantly improves the range of motion in the joint.
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