The Activity of Lysosomal Enzymes in The Healthy Men’S Blood After Single Finnish Sauna Procedure – Preliminary Study
Finnish sauna, acid phosphatase, cathepsin D, arylsulfatase, α-1-antitrypsinAbstract
Introduction . The aim of the paper was to investigate the effect of single Finnish sauna procedure on the activity of acid phosphatase (AcP), cathepsin D (CTS D), arylsulfatase (ASA) and inhibitor of proteases α-1-antitrypsin (AAT) in healthy men’s blood.
Materialandmethods. Men (n=7) performed sauna procedure (3 entries, each 10 min) in temperature of 90oC and relative air humidity of 10%. Men cooled their whole body (cold shower) after each exit from sauna. The blood was taken from basilic vein before the entry to sauna, 15 and 60 min after the procedure. Obtained results of activity of AcP, AAT and ASA were statistically analyzed by using ANOVA test. Statistically analysis of CTS D activity was performed by Mann-Whitney test. The changes of the level p<0.05 were accepted as statistically significant.
Results. Statistically significant (p<0.01) decrease of the CTS D activity of about 51.4% 60 min after sauna was revealed as compared to the activity of this enzyme before entry to sauna (control). Furthermore, the tendency to decrease of the activity of CTS D and AcP 60 min after sauna was found in comparison to the activity of these hydrolases measured 15 min after the procedure (p>0.05). The tendency was also observed when comparing the activity of AcP, ASA, CTS D and AAT 15 min after sauna to their activity before sauna (p>0.05). In turn, the activity of AAT and ASA insignificantly increased 60 min after Finnish sauna comparing to the activity measured 15 min after procedure (p>0.05).
Conclusion. Single Finnish sauna procedure increases stabilization of lysosomal membranes.
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