Share of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in inflammatory bowel disease. The diagnostic usefulness of selected markers. Part 1
oxidative stress, free radicals, inflammatory bowel diseaseAbstract
Malfunctioning of environmental, immunologic or genetic mechanisms brings about a disorder of system homeostasis, which results in the development of diseases of arduous course. Inflammatory bowel diseases are a group of disorders which house a pathological inflammation of the wall of the gastrointestinal tract. It is postulated that one reason for the resulting changes may be free radical reactions. As a result of the ongoing inflammation under the course of the disease an influx of neutrophils into the lumen begins. Although endoscopic examination constitutes an irreplaceable method in the evaluation of the resulting changes, laboratory tests are an essential tool in the diagnostic process. In recent years it has been proven that the role of faecal calprotectin as a non-invasive test can be used to differentiate organic and functional gastrointestinal diseases, and evaluate remission or exacerbation of inflammatory bowel disease [6,28]. It has also been noted that there is a need to seek other new markers that would facilitate the diagnosis.References
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