Metabolic activity of neutrophilic granulocytes measured with chemiluminescence test (cl) in patients with allergic hypersensitivity to food
food allergy, chemiluminescence, neutrophilsAbstract
Introduction. Neutrophilic granulocytes (neutrophils) are the most important cells of non-specific immune response. These cells have capability of chemotaxis and phagocytosis and also participate in inflammatory processes. Stimulated neutrophils release reactive oxygen species (ROS) important mediators of inflammatory process responsible for tissues injury.
The aim of the study was assessment of oxygenic metabolism as one of representatives regarding metabolic activity of neutrophilic granulocytes measured with chemiluminescence test (CL) in patients with allergic type of hypersensitivity to food.
Material and methods. The study contained 30 patients with diagnosed food allergy on the base of medical history, clinical symptoms, positive prick tests and the presence of allergen-specific IgE against selected food allergens in the serum. The control group contained 10 healthy volunteers. Chemiluminescence of basal and stimulated during 40 minutes neutrophils (fMLP, PMA, OZ) was assessed with kinetic luminol-dependent method using luminometer LUMINOSCAN - LABSYSTEM.
Results. Mean values of obtained chemiluminescence from basal and stimulated neutrophils were statistically significantly higher in patients with allergic hypersensitivity to food than values in group of healthy persons.
Conclusions. The results of performed analyses indicate that neutrophils participate and have increased activity in the process of allergic inflammation in patients with food allergy.
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