First-order belief and paraconsistency
appearance, belief, identity, labelled and signed tableau, object, paraconsistent, tableau suffixAbstract
A first-order logic of belief with identity is proposed, primarily to give an account of possible de re contradictory beliefs, which sometimes occur as consequences of de dicto non-contradictory beliefs. A model has two separate, though interconnected domains: the domain of objects and the domain of appearances. The satisfaction of atomic formulas is defined by a particular S-accessibility relation between worlds. Identity is non-classical, and is conceived as an equivalence relation having the classical identity relation as a subset. A tableau system with labels, signs, and suffixes is defined, extending the basic language LQB by quasiformulas (to express the denotations of predicates). The proposed logical system is paraconsistent since φ ∧ ¬φ does not “explode” with arbitrary syntactic consequences.References
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