What Should the Logic Formalizing Human Cognition Look Like? Psychologism as Applying Logic in Cognitive Science.
psychologism, applied logic, cognitive science, cognitivismAbstract
Contemporary logicians have expanded upon the old notions of psychologism in logic and proposed new, weakened versions of it. Those weakened versions postulate that psychologistic logic does not have to inform about the ontology or metaphysics of reasoning. Instead, logic applied in cognitive science could serve as one of many paradigms for making empirical predictions about the observable process of human reasoning. The purpose of this article is to entertain this notion and answer the question: what properties should a logical system formally representing actual human reasoning have? Based on the existing evidence from cognitive science and neuroscience we identified three potential candidates: context-sensitivity (satisfied for example by adaptive logics), content-sensitivity (satisfied by non-Fregean logics) and probabilism (satisfied for example by fuzzy logics).
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