What Is Visible and What Is Invisible during the Carnival at Rajecká Dolina (Rajecká Valley), or Sekala & Niskala in Slovakia
carnival, visible/invisible ritual, local community, symbol, tourismAbstract
Fred B. Eiseman Jr.’s publication which discusses “the visible and invisible” meanings of traditional culture on the Indonesian island of Bali inspired the content of this study. I have asked the following research question: How can an inscription in the national list of intangible cultural heritage influence Carnival (Fašiangy) traditions at Rajecká Dolina (Rajecká Valley)? The description of Carnival customs in the Municipality of Rajecká Lesná illustrates that a part of them is intended for the public and another part for a closer group of participants – municipality inhabitants who understand ritual behaviour and humorous comments and remember what they have experienced together. The third part remains visible only to Carnival revellers and their friends. In the system registration of elements of cultural heritage on the UNESCO list it is very important that balanced focus should be given to understanding the singularity and the degree of effectiveness of each element stemming from folk traditions, which fulfil important tasks mainly at the regional level.
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