The Role of Stakeholders in Practicing Intangible Cultural Heritage: The Example of the Koniaków Lace
intangible cultural heritage, heritage management, Koniaków lace, local community empowermentAbstract
This article analyzes activities focused on cultural heritage resources, undertaken from a local position. The theoretical considerations refer to the example of the Koniaków lace. This handicraft, despite the changing reality, for more than 100 years has continuously been a manifestation of the region’s tradition. Local lace makers adapt their forms to new emerging needs. The educational or commercial activity concentrated around the lace makes this skill an important bonding element for the local community. The lively activity of dissemination and promotion of the Koniaków lace resulted in an entry to UNESCO’s National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2017. The Koniaków lace also became one of the elements representing the Silesian region at the 2022 EXPO in Dubai. These events are the result of cultural policies implemented at the level of the institution and the result of the activity of the local community, influencing and shaping the frequently emotional relationships within it. The purpose of this article is to present practices using Koniaków lace, which are related to such issues as cultural policy, heritage management, or community empowerment.
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