“Get up corpses”: On Apparitions in Jan Klata’s Staging of Wesele by Stanisław Wyspianski
theater, Polish theater, teatr, teatr polski, post-dramatic theatre, Jan Klata, Stanisław Wyspiański, Wesele, black metalAbstract
The article offers an analysis and interpretation of Jan Klata’s conception of staging Wesele [The Wedding] by Stanislaw Wyspianski at the National Old Theatre in Cracow. The author focuses on the key elements of Klata’s vision, beginning from anchoring this vision in the text, through the use of music and lyrics of the black metal band Furia, to scenography, costumes and actors, all of which make up the overall message of the performance as “the night of the living dead”. The author pays special attention to the characters of the drama as the living dead and to the apparitions from Act 2 of Wesele.
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