Transnational entrepreneurship, immigrant entrepreneurship, migrationAbstract
The purpose of the paper is to present the phenomenon of transnational entrepreneurship on the example of Poland. This phenomenon is presented against the background of general data on migration.
This exploratory paper offers a general review of the phenomenon of transnational entrepreneurship in the Polish context. Available statistical data (e.g.) GEM, as well as examples of existing studies are used to present the growing importance of transnational activities of immigrant entrepreneurs. Polish immigrants living in the US and several European countries, and immigrants from selected European and Asian countries who have moved to Poland
Findings and implications
The authors point out the symptoms of growing practical and theoretical importance of transnational immigrant entrereneurship and outline directions for further studies.
Originality/value of the paper
The paper focus on the phnomenon of growing importance which is currentlu understudied in the realm of Central and Eastern Europe. Research on migration in Poland does have a long tradition, but the popularity of research on immigrant entrepreneurship (including transnational activities) goes back no more than a few years.
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