information security, organisational culture, positive behaviour, information security managementAbstract
Objective: The purpose of this article is to identify the positive values of the organisational culture, which have an impact on the effectiveness of information security management in the company.
Methods: The study was performed based on a case study. The study was divided into two stages. The first stage consisted of conducting an interview with a person responsible for the information security in the studied company. While the second stage assumed obtaining the opinions of employees regarding the organisational culture and the positive values influencing the information security in the company. Based on the literature review, a survey questionnaire was prepared, which was used in the survey. The study was conducted in a company employing 35 people.
Conclusions: The article highlights the important role of the positive values of the organisational culture, which impact the information security management in the company. Positive values have a big impact on maintaining the appropriate level of information security in the company.
Originality/Value: The analysis of the obtained results shows that cultivating positive values in the company impacts the effectiveness of information security management. The study suggests that the development of positive values in the company creates not only the positive atmosphere at work, but it also affects the observance of procedures and rules in the field of information security.
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