partnering, knowledge partnering, knowledge management, positive potentialAbstract
Purpose: Identify the key elements of the concept of Positive Potential of the Organisation (PPO) and provide the answer to the question whether the use of knowledge partnering can enhance the PPO.
Approach: This is a literature and research review paper.
Findings: The paper highlights the important role of knowledge partnering in the process of developing and strengthening the positive potential of modern organisations based on the example of high-tech enterprises operating in Poland. It can be noted that the analysed companies develop intraorganisational knowledge partnering significantly more often than inter-organisational knowledge partnering. At the same time, it has been shown that personalised knowledge is valued most by this kind of entities. Contacts with other partners from the business environment (customers, suppliers, etc.) are also highly valued. These factors exert a somewhat stronger influence on the development and the positive potential of high-tech medium and large enterprises and have a weaker impact on small enterprises. Although small high-tech enterprises need most the support flowing from the positive potential of knowledge partnering, in practice they still receive it to the smallest extent. In general, for the high-tech companies surveyed, knowledge partnering is to a large extent a real stimulus for market operations, as well as a catalyst for even the most difficult forms of cooperation, which means it can be considered as an important source of positive potential.
Implications: The study shows the need for integration of knowledge partnering practices and positive potential management. The study indicates that knowledge partnering creates growth of positive organisational potential. Originality/value of the paper: The study suggests that well-developed processes of knowledge partnering stimulate competitive activities and the positive potential of not only large and mediumsized enterprises but also small ones.
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