positive organizational scholarship, entrepreneurship, well-being, work-life balance, psychological capitalAbstract
Purpose: Being encouraged by positive scholars I make an attempt to use positive way of thinking to further explore the process of entrepreneurship. More specifically, I aim at looking for positive antecedents of entrepreneurship and its positive consequences. The purpose of the paper is to formulate propositions for further empirical research.
Methodology/approach: I use literature review as a method to identify those of positive antecedents and consequences of entrepreneurship that were theoretically considered and/or empirically researched before. Findings: The propositions can be summed up in a preliminary conceptual framework. It draws attention to most plausible relationships within positive phenomena and entrepreneurship. Moreover, the exact nature of the type (possible mediations and moderations), direction and strength of relationships is a subject for further theoretical considerations and empirical investigations.
Implications/limitations: The paper opens a new area of the research that has not been explored before. Potentially, it will bring new understanding to the processes of entrepreneurship from positive perspective. Originality/value: Some of the relationships presented in the paper have not been researched yet. The main value of the paper is taking the next step in uncovering the positive antecedents and consequences of entrepreneurship.
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