Leadership Qualities in Project Management
https://doi.org/10.12775/18713Słowa kluczowe
leadership, manager, project managementAbstrakt
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present key features that each project manager should have. Furthermore, it describes main tasks performed by a manager in a project. An attempt is also made to resolve the dilemma whether every project manager can also be described as a leader.
Design/methodology/approach: This paper presents a theoretical approach. Analysis is conducted on the basis of literature review.
Findings: This article describes a number of features that a good project manager should have. It should be emphasized that leadership qualities are personality traits represented by project managers. It is worth noting that a leader may not be a manager, but every manager should be a leader. If a manager does not have leadership characteristics, the realization of the project’s tasks may be impaired. Certainly, this does not mean that the project will not be completed. However, better results are generally achieved by project teams, which are managed by people showing a high level of leadership qualities.
Research and practical limitations/implications: Conclusions drawn from the analysis can provide practical guidance to man-agers and project teams and make up a foundation for further empirical research.
Originality/value: The paper provides value for people involved in project management, both managers and project team members.
Paper type: Literature review.
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