Portrayal of the Concession Agreement Transactions Through the Financial Statement Improvement
https://doi.org/10.12775/JCRL.2019.011Palabras clave
accounting, concession agreement, public-private partnership, financial statement, financial assuranceResumen
Purpose: The article is focused on improving the financial statements and developing the new ones in the context of revealing transactions under concession agreements.
Design/methodology/approach: In the course of scientific research, general philosophical and scientific methods of phenomena and processes cognition in accounting were used. In particular, the analogy methods, abstraction, grouping and generalization were used to explain the financial reporting of new forms and trends development revealing the transactions under concession agreements. Findings: The article examines the financial statements types in order to improve their forms and develop the new ones in the context of revealing the studied objects. The forms of footnotes to the annual financial statements were developed and the directions of their expansion for the management purposes and reporting on the contract fulfillment of the terms were determined. Research and practical implications: The practical importance of the study lies in improving the financial statements of a concession enterprise through the financial reporting expansion, development of internal (management) reporting forms and explanation of the composition and the content of specific reporting related to purely contractual concession transactions. It can be used by a concessioner while reporting to the state partner. Originality/value: The financial statement footnote forms design is characterized by the following objects: non-current assets received by the concession in the context of: fixed assets, other non-cu rrent tangible assets, intangible assets, long-term biological assets, capital involved in non-current assets modernization in terms of their types, non-current assets depreciation received by the concessioner and the capital expenditures for the non-current assets modernization received by the concessioner, public services costs carried out as a result of the concession agreement. The peculiarity of accounting reporting improving areas under the concession agreements is to take into account the specific features of both national concession legislation and international financial statement standards. Paper type: original research.
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