Circular Economy in the Transport Industry in Terms of Corporate Social Responsibility Concept
circular economy, corporate social responsibility, reverse logistics, sustainable supply chain, environmental practices in transport industryAbstract
Purpose: The paper concerns the concept of moving away from a linear economy to a new global idea – the circular economy. The aim of the study is to present the idea of the practical application of the opportunities offered by the circular economy in the terms of corporate social responsibility. The authors focus on the example from the Transport-Shipping-Logistics (TSL) industry. I n addition, they also present previously used pro-environmental solutions in TSL and Courier-Express-Parcel Services (CEP) area.
Design/methodology/approach: The paper is based on the analysis of literature related to pro-ecological activities and the idea of linear and circular economy in the context of the corporate social responsibility concept.
Findings: The result of the study is a consolidation the concept of the circular economy in terms of pro-ecological aspect of corporate social responsibility in TSL enterprises.
Research and practical limitations/implications: The article points out that the circular economy and other pro-environment practices are the guidelines of conduct for designing and developing corporate social responsibility strategies in the companies operating in the Transport-Shipping-Logistics industry.
Originality/value: The issues presented in the paper cover innovative aspects according to the latest European Union guidelines indicated in COM(2015) – Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Closing the Loop – An EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy.
Paper type: theoretical paper.
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