Self-leadership and Growth Mindset as Mutually Supportive Determinants of Behaviors
DOI:íčová slova
self-leadership, growth mindset, determinants of behaviorsAbstrakt
Purpose: This article is focused on checking whether there is an interdependence between the levels of self-leadership and growth mindset presented by an individual and whether these factors affect the functioning of employees.
Methodology: The respondents were an open group of 237 participants of different age, job seniority and position. The following questionnaires were used in the study: ASQL by Houghton, Dawley and DiLiello – to measure the level of self-leadership, and NNR by Godlewska-Werner – to measure the level of growth mindset.
Findings: The results of the study show that self-leadership and growth mindset are factors that significantly affect each other. However, there are no relationships between the overall level of self-leadership and: age, sex,
job seniority or holding managerial positions.
Research and practical implications: Research can be important to management practice in team building processes as the level of selfleadership can be a relevant factor which promoted and shared among coworkers allows to create a more balanced, engaging work environment for managers and those they lead. Originality/value: The research conducted so far has focused on the analysis of the connections between growth mindset and leadership. This research shows that growth mindset also affects the level of selfleadership, and thus individuals’ attitude to aspects such as: making the effort, accepting feedback or the success of co-workers.
Paper type: research paper
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