From Traditional to Strategic CSR: Systematic Literature Review
corporate social responsibility, CSR, strategic CSR, strategic management, systematic literature reviewAbstract
The idea of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a very significant element of companies and societies functioning. Literature exemplifies that this concept still becomes more and more popular. Considering it from the strategic perspective can be a driver for businesses success. This article focuses on the CSR concept and its different aspects. The aim of the paper is to describe and exemplify the issue of the corporate social responsibility concept, with the focus on its strategic aspects. In order to achieve the aim of the paper, there have been set the following objectives: (1) to discuss definitions of the CSR concept, its origins, drivers and different types;
(2) to present strategic CSR definitions, its benefits and dimensions; (3) to exemplify how to embed the CSR concept into strategy; (4) to discuss the complexity of the strategic approach to CSR. The study is based on the systematic literature review. At the beginning, the article presents the
method of the study and the research sampling process. The next step of the study outlines the CSR concept and its definitions and key assumptions. Later, the article exemplifies the strategic approach to the CSR concept. The study confirms the significance of converting CSR activities into strategies
and linking them with the grand strategy of companies. Nevertheless, there is still a big need to investigate this issue more deeply in order to have a better and more comprehensive view on that.
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